Applying at BAU International University Batumi is simple. We welcome students from all over the world to join our international student body. In the below sections you will find general guidance on the application and admissions process.
We look forward to welcoming you to BAU Batumi!
The main goals of Bau International University’s research development strategy are:
For achievement of the goals of the strategy, the following tasks have been defined by the Teaching University:
Within the framework of the internal grant project:
A study in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia induced by maternal immunoglobulin G sensitized to platelet surface antigens HPA 1a and HPA 5b. These types of thrombocytopenias are a major cause of acute thrombocytopenia and intracranial rupture in newborns. This study is particularly high priority because it is not performed in Georgia and is the basis of modern studies. More than 75% of neonatal alloin allomin thrombocytopenias in the Caucasus population are caused by HPA 1a antigen. Not only will immunosensitization with antibodies and the presence of antigens be studied, but also HPA and HLA genotyping is planned.
The study will be conducted in collaboration with and support of the Medina Clinic Neonatology Department and will have practical value along with scientific significance as it will assist neonatologists in differential diagnostics and management of such patients.
The study will involve members of the Department of Basic Sciences of the University, as well as students and invited staff.
The teaching university has also been involved in joint research with the Medina Clinic and BSU for years. In particular, determination of blood groups of infants with a history of aggravation and study of the immunosensitization index in pregnant women induced by ABO, Rh and Kell systems.
In this regard, publications have already been published and students are also involved in the research.
Within the framework of the internal grant project:
After the initial research, as a result of processing the materials, it will be possible to differentiate and study additional parameters, in particular:
By further processing the research results it will be possible to calculate the mortality and morbidity rates of the disease, an important component will be to determine the economic burden of the disease for a given region.
Physiological research will be possible within the same study. Also planning research activities for the study of sleep physiology.
It is possible to conduct research on old and new anticonvulsant drugs, both in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and in collaboration with laboratories.
Within the scientific direction it will be possible to establish close scientific links with the Institute of Neurology and Neuropsychology, which are actively involved in various international scientific projects.
Within the framework of the internal grant project: Assessing the allocentric system of spatial memory based on neuropsychological analysis of behavior when performing a spatially delayed task in different conditions in urban and rural children aged 3 to 5 years of typical development and assessing the effects of prolonged use of digital technologies on the latter.
Based on the results of the study, it is advisable to expand the geographical scope of this study in the future, and we also plan to evaluate the correlation of attention deficit with spatial memory deficit through the use of electrospectrography (Neurofeedback & QEEG) tools.
Georgia and especially highland Ajara are distinguished by a high rate of population, which depends on many factors. Research in this direction has long been conducted by a group of natural sciences and health scientists at Batumi Shota Rustaveli University.
One of the priorities of the teaching university is to conduct research in this direction together with the University Hospital of Bonn and BSU. The grant project has already been submitted under the supervision of Bonn University Hospital. This research implies to find evidences that confirm the role of autophagy in influencing aging in the Georgian population under the influence of epigenetic factors.
The teaching university also plans research in the field of microbiology, will study the microflora of the vagina during perimenopause and the issues of antibiotic resistance of mycoplasma and ureaplasma.
Personalized medicine is based on the concept of individual patient orientation, which implies an individual approach to each patient in the prevention or treatment of the disease, taking into account the patient’s genetics, living environment and lifestyle. One of the modern approaches in this direction in the study is the study of the genetic polymorphism of the enzyme cytochrome P450 (CYPs). To date, 57 genes encoding these enzymes have been identified. Mutations in any of them cause functional changes that in turn lead to changes in individual responses to drugs. Genetic polymorphism of these enzymes should be considered in personalized treatment.
If a mutational allele is identified in at least 1% of the population this already indicates pharmacogenetic polymorphism. An individual approach to dosing and drug selection is important to avoid treatment complications and unnecessary toxicity. For example, CYP 2D6 is expressed in only 2% of liver tissue, although hundreds of drugs are metabolized by this enzyme, including opiates, beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, antidepressants, and neuroleptics. About 10% of the population of the Caucasus has difficulties in the metabolism of these drugs, which is manifested in side effects.Based on the above, personal selection of the drug will be of great importance in this case.
Dosage guidelines for physicians will be developed in the appropriate direction Also, physicians will be offered to perform pharmacogenetic analysis on their patients.
Students who will study polymorphism analysis using the ELISA kit and real time PCR will be involved in the process. Students who will study polymorphism analysis using the ELISA kit and real time PCR will be involved in the process.
The effects of metabolic syndrome on health are increasing, with the damaging effects of metabolic syndrome increasing. Adipose tissue secretes various adipokines, which act on insulin sensitivity and hence insulin resistance is potentially associated with adiposity. Evaluation of the effect of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation by focusing on the fructose SDR model, apelin, and SIRT1 gene expression is the objective of the research. These studies could acquire therapeutic use and introduce new strategies for treating insulin resistance.
The project is a joint project with Bahçeşehir University, in which two students will be able to work on partner research in partner higher education laboratories.
Induced Pluropotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are revolutionizing the field of pluropotent stem cells. iPSC technology allows us to develop a patient-tailored cell therapy protocol since the use of genetically identical cells eliminates immune rejection. Unlike embryonic stem cells, iPSC does not cause a biotech debate and is an “agreed” alternative that does not require the use of human oocytes or embryos.
Any procedure involving cellular medical products requires strict control of the GMP laboratory equipment of the cells. Cellular GMP Laboratory provides pharmaceutical or cellular product development.
A laboratory for cell culture studies will be set up.
Students will learn basic methods on cell cultures, including stem cells.
Successful students are planned to be employed in the laboratory