The structure of the teaching university consists of the governing bodies of the university, the educational unit, the administration, the human resources management and the quality assurance services.
The governing bodies of the teaching university are:
1. The Assembly of Partners is the highest governing body of the Teaching University, which controls the legality, expediency, efficiency and financial-economic activities of the Teaching University.
2. The Assembly of Partners:
a) Makes decisions on changes and additions to the registration data of the University and the charter, approves the new version of the charter;
b) On the basis of consultations with the Academic Council, appoints and dismisses the Rector of the Teaching University, as well as supervises its activities;
c) Is authorized to request financial reports of the relevant period from the Rector of the Teaching University at any time, to control and check the financial documents of the University and the execution of the budget;
d) Is authorized to request information from the Rector of the Teaching University at any time about the implementation of the Strategic and Action Plan for the development of the Teaching University;
e) Is authorized to suspend or/and abolish the legal acts adopted by other governing bodies or/and officials that are illegal or/and contradict the charter of the university or/and this statute or/and other internal normative acts.
The Academic Council is the highest representative collegial body managing the academic activities of the Teaching University.
The Academic Council consists of the Chairman of the Academic Council – Rector, the academic staff of the Teaching University, who have been awarded the status of Professor or Associate Professor, and the Chairman of the Student Self-Government.
Teaching University Professors and Assistant Professors are granted Academic Board status upon assuming a Teaching University academic position if they do not renounce their Academic Council membership.
A student member of the Academic Council is granted the status of a member of the Academic Council by the Student Self-Government upon application to the Academic Council.
The term of the status of a member of the Academic Council is determined by the term of the relevant position held at the University, and if no such term is established, the person retains the status of a member of the Academic Council until resignation, unless there are grounds for early termination.
The term of the student member status of the Academic Council is determined by the term of the position of the Chairman of the Student Self-Government, if there is no reason for early termination of the membership of the Academic Council established by this Regulation.
The Academic Council consists of the Chairman of the Academic Council – Rector, the academic staff of the Teaching University, who has been awarded the status of Professor or Associate Professor, and the Chairman of the Student Self-Government.
Teaching University Professors and Assistant Professors are granted Academic Board status upon assuming a Teaching University academic position if they do not renounce their Academic Council membership.
A student member of the Academic Council is granted the status of a member of the Academic Council by the Student Self-Government upon application to the Academic Council.
The term of the status of a member of the Academic Council is determined by the term of the relevant position held at the University, and if no such term is established, the person retains the status of a member of the Academic Council until resignation, unless there are grounds for early termination.
The term of the student member status of the Academic Council is determined by the term of the position of the Chairman of the Student Self-Government if there is no reason for early termination of the membership of the Academic Council established by this Regulation.
The authority to lead and represent the Teaching University is vested in the Director, who is appointed and dismissed by the Meeting of Partners.
A) without additional power of attorney, represents the teaching university in relations with third parties and concludes relevant transactions;
B) represents and protects the interests of the Teaching University in court, in state institutions, and in relations with other legal or natural persons;
C) Represents the teaching university in relations with banks and other credit institutions, provides an opening, closing, management, and other related authorities of bank accounts;
D) within the scope of its competence, issue trade and other types of credentials;
E) approves the budget of the annual and organizational-structural units of the Teaching University, controls their implementation, and submits a report to the meeting of partners;
G) in accordance with the internal normative acts of the Teaching University, determines and approves the tuition fee, the amount of the grant, and the scholarship;
H) within the scope of its competence, make decisions, sign contracts, and ensure their execution regarding the issues that require the undertaking and/or fulfillment of financial and/or other property obligations from the University;
I) Implements the charter of the Teaching University, this statute, official instructions, and other internal normative acts Defined powers.
The management of the University’s finances, cash, material-technical, or any other
The authority of management and representation in the educational and scientific-research direction of the Teaching University is given to the Rector, who appoints and dismisses the position in agreement with the Academic Council and dismisses it by the meeting of partners.
The Rector, within the scope of his / her competence, directs the administrative, educational, and scientific-research activities of the Teaching University, in connection with which he/she approves the regulatory acts in relation to the issues within his / her competence. Rector:
The Rector is accountable to the Assembly of Partners for the strategic and organizational activities of the Teaching University, and to the Academic Council for the academic, scientific, and educational activities of the University.